NFT Staking
Unlike most Tomb and Iron Finance forks, ArbiTen Finance enables yield boosting via NFT staking!
Boost amount: 2%/NFT for Farmers, Tools, and Land; 3%/NFT for Minotaurs
Up to 5 NFTs per pool
Eligible NFTs are available at FarmerLand:
Farmers: 0x77bE472f1661Fd77b9F71c7bc2Bf89Cf00Db1B7E
Land: 0x3612a25FDAbE31684751988c2B9D46c2B495D2E9
Tools: 0x69e896E4A435FA1E882630e37Aa3553C9E23f2C1
Majestic Minotaurs: 0xCBA66a42e59a06dF801Ae29d467BFA8E49421eec
Last updated